Recipe for Libbey Hexagon 6044 Candle Jar


Our Libbey glass candle jars are of the highest quality which means they can be used time and time again. So whether you are making a candle for the first time or refilling your candle jar this recipe is one of our favourites. Using one of our top selling fragrance oils – Black Orchid you will be able to make the perfect candle with a fabulous scent throw.


All of these recipes have been created in house and tested by our team. Which means we’ve taken all the guess work out and you will be able to make a beautiful soy candle without all the stress. Simply follow the recipe and enjoy the process. Of course you can substitue this fragrance for others but be aware you may have to tweak the wick size to get the perfect burn.

Libbey Hexagon 6044 Refill candle Jar

Black Orchid Fragrance


Sandalwood and a hint of vanilla create a base for mid notes of orchid and lilac with a hint of clove and cinnamon, with sheer grapefruit and berry top notes.

Black Orchid Fragrance Oil

Recipe for Hexagon 6044 Jar

If you have a used Libbey Hexagon 6044 candle jar then why not refill it. All you need to do is clean out the wax, give it a wash and then use this recipe to refill your jar. The perfect way to save money and the environment.

Shopping List

1 x Libbey Hexagon 6044 Cylinder Jar

335 x GW-464 Soy Wax

40ml x Black Orchid

1 x ACS 9.3 Wick

1 x Stickum

1 x Wooden Wick Holder

1 x Pouring Jug (optional)


Jar Specifications

The Hexagon 6044 Jar by Libbey is a popular size candle jar perfect for your home, as a gift, for retail, and weddings. Dress these up with our range of wooden or metal lids to create the finished look.

Brand: Libbey
Recommended Fill Volume: 400ml
Maximum Volume: 550ml
Wax Weight: 335g
Height: 89mm

Inside Diameter: T:94mm
Outside Diameter: T:102mm

Wick Suggestion: ACS 9.3 or CDN 26

Lid Options: 103mm Metal Lids

Box Options: Large Gift Box WhiteLarge Gift Box BlackXL Retail Box WhiteXL Retail Box Black


♥ Place your soy wax in a double boiler on the stove (just like you would melt chocolate). You can use a pot & a Pyrex jug but make sure the Pyrex jug doesn’t touch the bottom of the pot. It is ideal if the handle will fit over the pot edge. Alternatively you could use The Candle Maker.

♥ Heat your container soy wax on medium heat to 80-82°C until melted. The wax will start to melt around 40-45°C so check the temperature often.

♥ While the wax is melting, attach your wick to your jar (this is called “wicking”). Do this by attach your wick stickum to the bottom of the metal wick tab on the wick, place the wick in the centre of the container and press down firmly.

♥ Once the wick has adhered to the bottom of the container, thread the wick through the hole in the middle of the wooden wick holder & place the wick holder so that it spans the diameter of the glass, making sure the wick is centered. Bend the wick over the wick holder. This will hold it straight as you pour in the hot wax.

♥ Using your thermometer, measure the temperature of the wax and at approximately 80-82°C add your candle fragrance.

♥ Gently stir in your fragrance for at least 2 minutes. It is important that the fragrance is mixed thoroughly to bind with the wax.

♥ Now wait for your wax to cool to approximately 60-62°C before pouring into your container.

♥ Pour slowly but surely until you reach the desired level, we recommend using a long spout pouring jug.

♥ Allow it to set for 72 hours before burning.

Melting Your Wax

Once you have measured out the desired amount of wax then you need to melt it using the double boiler method. Melt it to 80-82 degrees celsius. Once at this temperature you can add your fragrance and stir off the heat for 2 minutes.
Wicking Hexagon 6044

Wicking A Jar

Your wick is one of the most important elements of candle making. To secure your wick to your jar attach a stickum to the bottom of the metal tab on your wick, place in the centre of your jar and press down firmly.

Pouring Hexagon 6044

Pouring Your Candle

After combining your fragrance and wax for 2 minutes take the temperature of the wax and once it reaches 62 degrees celsius you can pour it into your Libbey 2339 candle jar. Pour slowly to avoid air bubbles forming in your glass.