Bath Bomb Molds

We’ve created a downloadable pdf that is easy to follow and makes these gorgeous bath bombs. Download the pdf HERE.

Ingredients and supplies needed to make a bath bomb: We sell the Essential Oils, Soap Dye and the Bath Bomb Molds.

1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid
1/2 cup Epsom salts
1 tsp. water
2 tsp. essential oil
3 tsp. oil (olive oil)
Soap Dye
bath bomb mold

Place the dry ingredients in a bowl and then mix them all evenly with the whisk.
In a separate container, mix the liquid ingredients together. Note that in this step, the essential oils, fragrances and colors are added. This is an important step! Make sure to pick out lots of fragrance oils to try out here, as you can make many fabulous combinations for bath time. Lavender bath bombs for relaxation and sleep, perhaps tinted purple. Ylang Ylang and Bergamot for a sensual bath bomb, perhaps even add some Rose.
Slowly add the liquid mixture to the dry mix, one small spoon at a time.
When well mixed, you simply pack this mixture into a bath bomb mold and pack tightly, then let it dry. Work quickly so as not to let the bath bomb mixture dry out.

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